Time flies - there goes another year!! Wonder if everyone had a good year of 2008? I'm sure it's a crazy year for most people, especially with such
dramatic economy changes worldwide. Luckily, for Kiki, her life doesn't
change much, except she had Annie's company for almost 4 months which is some case never happened to her before. Usually, couple days were the longest, 4 months is quite a bit of different. However, Annie isn't a crazy
puppy that may bite or fight with Kiki, so the "roomate" thing shouldn't
bother Kiki too much. Probably, only during the meal time.... @~@"
來個2008大回顧好了!! (KIKI OS: Mom, 妳該不會打算把偶有的月記直接偷懶成年記吧??? ="=)
Jan. - 整個就是享受冬陽的一月! 頭一次離跨年活動場所那麼近, 卻又因寒冷躲在室內. 不過, 一群好友, 吃火鍋, "品"紅酒, 閒瞌牙, 也是人生樂事啊!
Missed the wedding anniversary as usual, well...
Feb. - 與往常一樣的過年, still not the way I can enjoy but can't
complain much... Did get to take Kiki to 暨南大學的大草皮狂奔, 雖然我們冷的半死.. ~~ but she's happy - that's worth a lot!! 還買了樂狗的大骨給大家當過年的禮物!
與多年不見的幾位國中同學碰面, 發現我失憶的問題很嚴重...
Mar. - My birthday, had 3 cakes for the month... 又怕又愛過生日的感覺真是矛盾啊! 原本要去帛琉的計畫吹了 (沒想到, till the end of the year, we never get to find time to complete it!! 唉...)
Apr. - 出差到Las Vegas, quite a trip. 第二次去Elton John's concert - he's
getting old. We did sit really close to the stage but cost me a fortune, too. Kiki到蘇菲雅住了8天, 也算渡假!!
Poor Kiki, 掉了大半顆的右下方犬齒. @"@
Hotel pools that I stayed, pretty, huh?!
One of the famous scene in Vegas at night!
May - 公司的老外組band演奏, 大家都出席去鼓勵!!
買了大半年的WII終於被拿出來玩囉, 真的很能撐.
到迪恩絲游泳, 還認識了可愛的妹妹和榔頭家呢.
可愛的Mickey在被領養近一年後被退養, 因為情侶分手... 唉....
Pinku媽當機立斷將Mickey送到德國, 希望她能像Kelly一樣好命找到好家庭!!
Cute Mickey, hope you have found your sweet home!!
Jun. - Kiki減肥計畫成功, 甩掉2.5kgs的"酯肪"
將留了超過六年的長髮一把撿去, 輕爽多了. 只有一絲絲後悔, guess that's not too bad?! ^__^
Jul. - 收到I-phone, 可是又因不習慣, 只好又換回Blackberry. 客廳一扇6mm厚的大窗竟然在深夜中裂了, 換成10mm厚的玻璃, 希望不要再嚇人的破了!! 第一次帶Kiki去100號牧場, 她可high了咧!!
The coffee shop back then.
Aug. - 參加2008北京奧運盛事, 第一次臨場觀賽如此場合, everything was so
amazing!! The trip was great!! Again, Kiki又到蘇菲雅渡假!!
一輩子一定要"參訪"的萬里長城! 遊客真的很多!!
Sept. - Annie started to stay with us. 第一次去GGWW, 跟屏東Kiki家及巧比家一起烤肉, 大家都好Happy!!
Oct. - Annie的前領養人失去音訊. Hubby's birthday, 又找到新的Motel開"生日轟趴" - 喝醉的中年男子們果然很放得開?!
Nov. - 開始為Annie的何去何從產生焦躁的情緒. 拜訪高中同學在新竹的新家, 好生羨慕, 又很想買農舍!! 第二次帶Kiki去100號牧場, Annie成了滿場飛的"金頂電池"... hahaha!! 認識了好心的Bobi爸媽, 很厲害的三花麻, 可愛皮皮及Bobi媽的朋友們!!
Dec. - Kiki九歲生日, 決定"低調"的過, 幫她做了個Cheese Cake, 皆大歡喜!!
一年一度的雪橇賽今年是第五屆了. 依慣例, 前一天出發住宿 - 今年住惠蓀林場內的小木屋, 吃火鍋, 也是不錯說!!
買了近一年的Roomba終於被請出來, 還不錯用. 倆個小孩盯了很久.
歲末, Annie開始到新家試養, 又回來了!! 加油, Annie, 努力找家啊!!
一年來認識了許多網友, 很多朋友甚至經歷了結婚, 生子之類的人生大階段, whatever happened - Dear Friends, it's great to know you, new ones & old ones!! 希望大家能有更好的新一年!!