目前分類:Kiki (77)

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一直以為你的生日文, 麻麻還可以寫上好幾年, 所以每年都會偷懶, 沒想到現在只能後悔莫及沒有好好保存屬於我們的時光...

12/6/1999 till forever!
雖然知道這個日子遲早會到,但要面對卻怎麼也難準備好。 感謝妳的努力,感謝妳的貼心,麻麻真的都有感受到。 希望這一生妳覺得幸福快樂的時刻比較多,也希望妳已經到沒有病痛的極樂天堂。 我們會過的很好,妳不要擔心,安心去做小天使,過好日子!
Dear Ki baby, you must have known how much we love you to see you free, hope you're happily in haven now.


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Heard about Leslie who talks to animals a while back and luckily, I was the few who got appointment made. Got exciting about it for a while, and had been telling Kiki about this upcoming conversation since, doesn't matter if she listens or not... doh..

預約狀況緊張刺激, we're lucky to get the appointment for 16:30pm, 2/19. A great coincidence was Lu家 happens to be around the area - what are the odds, huh?! (難道緣分就是如此?) Thought we can meet couple hours earlier around 14:30. Well... guess what? Leslie came in around 14:50, we all ended up doing this together.

Leslie: Do you know what happened to your eye?
Kiki: Not sure, probably hurt by fighting with others. (really? wonder if she's so insensitive or she forgot all about the treatment stage?)

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是滴, 這裡默默成了"年記"... 在FB & Line的便利使用下, 寫部落格似乎變困難, 殊不知就是自己變懶了.... XDD (Ki小咪OS: 真的, 麻麻快要比我慵懶了!! 攤手~)

可是, 對於Ki小咪一年一度的大事, 我們可不能隨便給它過掉! Ki小咪: 麻麻, 不可以偷懶喔!!

是的, 沒有 fancy cake, 但有滿滿的愛, 當作甜蜜的餡藏在好多的蛋糕裡 ^_^

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今年沒辦法再形容眼一眨時間就飛過了,因為四月底Ki小咪的左眼出現高眼壓而被診斷為青光眼,從此踏上我們點藥水的日子; 這樣也過了七個月。


是啊,人生有許多的起起伏伏,今年對我來說確實有很多的波折,是很大的打擊及傷害,或許間接也讓Ki小咪感受到了; 但今年也有因禍得福的開始享受起人生,多了許多家人及朋友的愛, 相信小咪小姐也感覺到了!

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  • May 07 Mon 2012 22:37
  • 密碼文章 眼睛

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一晃眼, 12年了. 每天看著沒啥變化的妳 (好像也不是 - 妳似乎有返老還童的趨勢...@@) 等不及要散步, 等不及要出門玩耍, 等不及要吃(尤其是在公共場所, 不給妳就發脾氣, 鬼吼鬼叫 - 活像個幼稚的小孩);

Taipei County-20110301-00022.jpg
卻可以每天早上只是用眼神默默希望我會快快起床弄早飯給妳吃, 即使已經晚了一, 兩個小時, 妳卻可以"隨性"地一起昏睡或發呆來等我的良心發現... 綜合這麼極端的個性(貼心與任性), 也只有妳這個怪咖吧?


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Taipei County-20110529-00429.jpg

My dearest Kiki is always cute when she's able to get out.

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Look at her...

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Pingtung County-20110423-00235.jpg

Yes, we made it there - it's Kiki's first time ever. Look how much fun she

Pingtung County-20110423-00245.jpg

以為沒事還在"安慰"受害者們, 沒想到..........

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不免俗的請女王來給大家拜個"晚年", 順便清一下蜘蛛網... XD

What have we been doing? Don't think you guys care as much as what Kiki has been doing....

I know, I know... Well... she still lives her life as a queen, except giving me some headache every once a while - probably worries that I'm not busy

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Warm sun, Great friends equals good time!!


怕被打, 再補一張... will have to rest first.... -_-"

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Well.... 說是新歡, 其實都要算"舊愛" - these toys have been sitting aside
somewhere for years.
Like this one - it has been "hidden" in the dark till Malu came over to visit.
It's purpose was to distract Kiki's attention on Malu... ^_^"


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是滴 - 口愛的馬小路來拜訪Kiki姐姐, 還帶了很好吃的蛋糕 (Malu OS: 叫我爸爸去排隊才買到的無敵好吃的長崎本舖的蜂蜜蛋糕!!) 以及超級Lady的粉紅色伸縮牽繩.
Dear Malu家, 你們真是太多禮了 - "人"來就好, 還帶那麼多"伴手禮"!! We thank you very much!!


兩隻恰恰跳的孩子, 其實是小氣的Kiki採全面圍堵的手段"阻止"Malu弟弟玩她的玩具, 搞得滿地都是玩具卻沒一個在玩.... ^_^"

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看到我笑得如此"諂媚"... 啊是甜美, 就知道是有好料的...

OK, my Mom is testing my patience again... for such delicious stuff sake, I'll smile for a little bit longer...


kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Yes, we did go this year but instead of spending too much time, we had
Mix Mom "熟門熟路" 的帶領 who saved us 90% of wondering time ... Did I
spend less? I doubt it since I was prepared to get Kiki at least 6-month
worth of treats to start with. @"@


kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

  • May 08 Sat 2010 17:29
  • Hello

Yes, we seem to "disappear" for a while, 主要是懶加忙... ^__^" (Kiki OS: 麻麻真的是懶鬼....)

先送上照片一張... (是的, 怪小孩常出怪招... )

It's been pretty crazy after CNY, but Kiki still lives her life in her way
(meaning relaxing and happy most of the time...) We did go outting couple times in between, attending Malu家's birthday party (請移駕參觀party實況 http://malu.pixnet.net/blog/post/26149395 ), not to mention her
"daily" walk (except the raining days and me being out of country.. >"<). So, don't worry about us if you wonder what's Kiki bee doing?! She's fine, still "abuses" her mom on regular basis....

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本來想要Kiki來給大家拜年, 沒想到"臭臉"一張... @"@

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

What's Kiki been doing lately, except sleeping like crazy??

你看看... 有沒有給她睡的很"舒服"?

Isn't this too much out of line?? Boy, she sure knows how to enjoy
"sleeping activity"!!

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Yes, I'm out again. But the trip is short enough that Mix Mom would be able to help - pick Kiki up sometimes in the morning and take her back home for dinner. Hubby will be home later to be with Kiki... 感謝Mix麻每次都幫這樣的大忙呢!!

看看寶貝KIKI在Mix麻家是否又任性了 - 引用自http://www.wretch.cc/blog/smeilynn/27153516

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自從上次來我家吃護唇膏後, KiKi已經好久沒來我家安親了, 每次去它家看到我拿它的胸背帶和牽繩, 它知道我要帶它出門, 它會迫不及待自己的往胸背帶鑽, 激動到沒法讓我好好為它套上去, 套好之後就拉著我往門外走, 它的力道它的衝勁都看不出它已經有10歲高齡了, KiKi啊! 你娘把你保養的真好喔!


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