Quite a bit of people have seen Kiki's 痞樣 and wonder if it's safe. Well...
she's been riding the car like so for more than 6 or 7 years, sometimes, I even wonder if she could be a good "sufer" as well since I can tell that she does adjust position by her 2 feet!!

It's my bone - you gave it to me, it's mine!! See how she "hold" the bone
within, doesn't matter if she wants to eat it or not.

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Hey, 我們來猜拳吧?! Kiki: Mom, 我睡得正舒服ㄝ... 好啦.. 用腳吧!!

Are you ready? Paper, scissor, rock - scissor!! Kiki: I win!!

Yea.. yea.. yea... can you do anything else? Let's try again.

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照例, 先來張大頭照!! (Kiki OS: my Mom is wondering maybe I can model for Coca Cola one day in her dream....)

再來張臭臉照... (This was taken after couple runs in swimming pool - you
can tell how "unhappy" she was. ^__^)

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屈指一算, 成為Blogger竟也有四年多了. 當初只是單純想找個地方記錄與Kiki一起生活的點點滴滴, 卻成了孟母, 不惜數遷- 從PC HOME 到無名, 再到Pixnet, 回了無名, 又不得不轉回Pixnet (希望能就此歇腳 =”=) 也就是為堅持初衷. 倒沒想到因此認識了更多人, 事, 物 – 有些格友狗狗的成長過程, 自己彷彿也參與了, 就因為他們”勤勞的”記錄. 所以縱使素未謀面, 卻能覺得熟悉, 這就是所謂新世界吧? Technology Innovation does bring the world smaller. 而自己也從完全的潛水客, 偶而不自覺浮出水面出個聲, 尤其是文學創作者們的部落格. 總覺得她們很了不起, 願意和世界的陌生人分享自己的創作, 想法, 甚至生活的點滴. 我曾嘗試, 卻沒辦法作到. 不甚懂得如何與親密的人剖析情感, 更別提公開分享自己.

從”三年級的背包”到”女兒反手拍”, 一步一步莫名地走入陌生人的生活對我而言是個奇特的經歷. 因為極少用中文打字, 所以很少留言, 也不好意思. 保持距離是我對大部份會定期或不定期瀏覽的blogs抱的心態, probably the same as many other people. 從試探性地在”女兒”家印下第一個足跡到每日必朝聖般的看當日發生了什麼事, 有什麼新作, 讓自己放肆的感受, 有時就像關心老朋友. 也愛她的留言回覆, 總是令人莞爾, 或是會心一笑. 最近卻屢屢散出為難, 不免讓人耽心. 關版是她對現況做的決定, 相信很多喜歡Jill的網友如我都會有所失落. 但是, 也相信不管有多麼不捨, 大家仍然會獻上最深的祝福, 希望她和Stone能攜手度過所有的難關, 分享人生的酸甜苦辣, 永遠擁有彼此的勇氣!!

Jill, you will always have blessings from people who care about you in the world. Wish you and Stone the best!!

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It's always difficult to ask Kiki to pose for me because she doesn't like
camera. Neither one of us like camera in this family (應該不是遺傳吧?!)

I don't know a better way to keep track of her company with us except doing what we are not really crazy about. I'm glad that I set up the blog for her
even though I had to move for several times.

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