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Getting a new lab top because the original had kind of die on me during a short trip... Wile getting some "my favorites" back in the list, this is the first one pop in when searching the blog that I haven't visited for some time.


Some memories!! I'm glad that I wasn't too lazy to leave no trace and regret that I was lazy enough not to preserve more.

It's been almost a year since the "incident" happened and yes, I'm going on another trip but without worries. Time probably does cure a lot of sorrow, pains and so on or with enough time which may numb a person. Travelling seems to take a big part of my life during this year

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

There goes another year, doesn't feel it's been so long and you've been trying really hard not to show so! 總覺得妳像廣告裡那個裝有金鼎電池的兔子, 只要能出門玩, 就什麼都好, 精力旺盛! 低調的請了幾個朋友來100號陪妳快樂的分享這一天及Koko麻費心作的蛋糕!
10 candles, hopefully, we can fulfill more. I can always order bigger one to put more candles!!

疼小孩的妹妹麻, 抱小孩的功力贏得第一名!!

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

  • Nov 15 Sun 2009 16:31
  • Lately

Well... Kiki has been enjoying the weather, I guess, since she's acting
crazy whenever she goes out. Point is she goes out everyday and still
gives people impression that she's been locked at home forever?! ~"~

Kiki will actually running for the Sled Race this year - figure, she needs a
good memory once a life time? Probably more for me since it does need
lots of courage (from me, of course) to run!! Hope she's going to enjoy it!!

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Again... Kiki is living her life as usual. Guess the weather has getting
crazier hot and I almost get into the mood to have Kiki shaved... But, of
course, it won't happen.



kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

引用自妙家http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AhMiu/31104508  的資訊,  希望大家能繼續為臺灣加油, 也盡一點心力. 

【聯合新聞網╱台北訊】 2009.08.12 06:12 pm.      



單位 戶名 劃撥帳號 諮詢專線 備註
內政部  內政部賑災專戶 郵政劃撥:19595889 022356-5225 請註明:救助莫拉克風災 
內政部賑災專戶 中央銀行國庫局帳號:269981    2356-5226
  信用卡線上捐款,可根據內政部網站(www.moi.gov.tw)流程操作    2356-5224
台南縣政府 台南縣社會救助基金專戶 台灣銀行新營分行 帳號:028038002387 06511-5692 請註明:救助莫拉克風災 
台南市 台南市社會救助金專戶 台灣銀行台南分行 帳號:009038061158   請註明:救助莫拉克風災 
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高雄縣政府 高雄縣社會救助金專戶 台灣銀行鳳山分行 帳號:025038095338    請註明:救助莫拉克風災
屏東縣政府 屏東縣政府社會救助金專戶 台灣銀行屏東分行 帳號:017038003667   請註明:救助莫拉克風災 
台東縣政府 台東縣政府台東縣社會救助金專戶 郵局劃撥帳號: 06705999               089-340720        請註明:莫拉克颱風緊急救助之用
台東縣政府台東縣社會救助金專戶  台灣銀行臺東分行 帳號:023038294938               089-340720        請註明:莫拉克颱風緊急救助之用
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台灣世界展望會 台灣世界展望會 郵政劃撥帳號:15752467 022175-1995 請註明:莫拉克水患救援
國民黨 中國國民黨中央委員會莫拉克颱風賑災專戶 郵政劃撥帳號:50121464    
民進黨 財團法人新境界文教基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:50121596    
紅十字會 中華民國紅十字會總會/88水災專戶 郵政劃撥帳號:14341596    
中華民國紅十字會總會/88水災專戶 華南銀行 帳號:1211-0007-7200    
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慈濟基金會 佛教慈濟基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:06692433 03-8266779       269590373374   請註明:提供莫拉克颱風賑災專戶
法鼓山 財團法人法鼓山社會福利慈善事業基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:19577467    
台灣基督長老教會 財團法人台灣基督長老教會宣教基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:19566285    請註明:救助莫拉克風災
台灣基督長老教會 財團法人台灣基督長老教會宣教基金會 華南銀行公館分行 帳號:118-20-079667-1    請註明:救助莫拉克風災
TVBS TVBS關懷台灣基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:1972-4023 0226561600 災區學童急難助學金專用
家扶基金會 家扶基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:00224801 0422061234 請註明:88水災助貧專案
若受災戶家中有18歲以下的兒童少年且經濟陷入困境者, 可電:0800 - 078585家扶專線 
社團法人台灣動物緊急救援推廣協會 社團法人台灣動物緊急救援推廣協會 郵政劃撥帳號:22638711               (04)23600176        請註明:也接受線上信用卡捐款 詳見網站www.savedogs.org 
單位 地點 電話 備註
朴子市公所 Bitmap
05379-510214              0923-100100           
台南縣政府 Bitmap
06511-5692              0980-537516        物資需求:睡袋、棉被、薄毯等。
中華民國紅十字會臺灣省臺南縣支會 新營市民治路36號(臺南縣政府中正堂後側2樓) 066353930 物資需求:睡袋、棉被、薄毯等。
嘉義縣政府 Bitmap
053622914、(05362-5342              0988-872433        物資需求:手電筒、尿布、衛生棉等。
中華民國紅十字會臺灣省嘉義縣支會 Bitmap
053621207  物資需求:手電筒、尿布、衛生棉等。
高雄市政府 Bitmap
07337-3374 請註明「捐贈屏東縣政府以及南部其他縣市救助水患災區使用」
高雄縣政府 旗山鎮中正路199號(旗山社福館) 07661-7464 物資需求:嬰兒用品、紙尿褲、簡單醫療用品、梳洗用品、睡袋、手電筒等。 
中華民國紅十字會臺灣省高雄縣支會 鳳山市花園街16 07746-7028   
屏東縣物資集中站 Bitmap
屏東縣政府社會處 Bitmap
台東縣政府 Bitmap
社會處承辦人鄭小姐              089-350731       326141282286 物資需求:食用食品為主如罐頭、乾糧、麵條、保久乳、盥洗用具等。 
家扶基金會 Bitmap
0422061234 PC Home購物網,點選「買給家扶」標誌,網址:http://24h.pchome.com.tw
民進黨中央黨部 Bitmap
新竹市政府 Bitmap
03521-6121305394405411 即日起八月廿五日止(周六日不休息),每日上午八時至下午五時止(中午不休息)。
新竹縣婦幼館 Bitmap
苗栗縣竹南鎮中港慈裕宮管理委員會 Bitmap

(2009/08/10 聯合新聞網) @ http://udn.com/

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 07 Thu 2009 14:51
  • 最近


KIKI OS: Miss me?

First of all, I'd like to thank the friends who concern about me not updating the blog for a while. Kiki has been doing pretty good as usual, in fact,
she's doing so good that she's gained 1kgs!! 0"0

I wasn't as busy as imagined but did run into some troubles that no one

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

從朋友的BLOG看到這個好玩的貓咪占卜http://seibun.nosv.org/neko, (只要填入姓名就可以囉!) 雖然完全不懂日文, 但是照片中的貓咪都好可愛喔!!

This is me - love the necklace... ^_^


This is Kiki!! 

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

將出發前往北京奧運囉! They say it's something to do once in a life time, let's see how it goes?!

As to Kiki, she's going to 三芝的Sophia 渡假 as well.

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Pretty, isn't it?!

No... we didn't go to any special sightseeing spot for this. It's just some
view that we can see every year right out of our house.

皮蛋 can't seem to sit well... We have 3 in the yard ourselves. But the

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

People like us (life is only about work without kids around) don't feel much about time. Good thing is we don't appear to get old as fast, main reason should be the mind set. Even though we complain about education system nowadays when we hear news but we really don't know how complicate it
already is. Once a while, when we get to talk to teenagers, that's when we really are suprised. There are no kids around to remind you time is ticking, just Kiki who doesn't grow old like us either. Time in this house seems to be froze, sometimes, I feel so. But, of course, when I start spending time
to count, suddendly to realize that I've been living with ignorant.

Life isn't supposed to be so - let time go by without doing a thing. Life
should be about living in it. I know I've missed a big block which there's no way to fill it up now. Making changes seem to be a must, I really don't want to look back and feel sorry another 10 years from now. But making changes of life is not easy, I'm still searching for the motivation that is powerful
enough to drive me to. Somehow, it might just be another excuse for not

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

屈指一算, 成為Blogger竟也有四年多了. 當初只是單純想找個地方記錄與Kiki一起生活的點點滴滴, 卻成了孟母, 不惜數遷- 從PC HOME 到無名, 再到Pixnet, 回了無名, 又不得不轉回Pixnet (希望能就此歇腳 =”=) 也就是為堅持初衷. 倒沒想到因此認識了更多人, 事, 物 – 有些格友狗狗的成長過程, 自己彷彿也參與了, 就因為他們”勤勞的”記錄. 所以縱使素未謀面, 卻能覺得熟悉, 這就是所謂新世界吧? Technology Innovation does bring the world smaller. 而自己也從完全的潛水客, 偶而不自覺浮出水面出個聲, 尤其是文學創作者們的部落格. 總覺得她們很了不起, 願意和世界的陌生人分享自己的創作, 想法, 甚至生活的點滴. 我曾嘗試, 卻沒辦法作到. 不甚懂得如何與親密的人剖析情感, 更別提公開分享自己.

從”三年級的背包”到”女兒反手拍”, 一步一步莫名地走入陌生人的生活對我而言是個奇特的經歷. 因為極少用中文打字, 所以很少留言, 也不好意思. 保持距離是我對大部份會定期或不定期瀏覽的blogs抱的心態, probably the same as many other people. 從試探性地在”女兒”家印下第一個足跡到每日必朝聖般的看當日發生了什麼事, 有什麼新作, 讓自己放肆的感受, 有時就像關心老朋友. 也愛她的留言回覆, 總是令人莞爾, 或是會心一笑. 最近卻屢屢散出為難, 不免讓人耽心. 關版是她對現況做的決定, 相信很多喜歡Jill的網友如我都會有所失落. 但是, 也相信不管有多麼不捨, 大家仍然會獻上最深的祝福, 希望她和Stone能攜手度過所有的難關, 分享人生的酸甜苦辣, 永遠擁有彼此的勇氣!!

Jill, you will always have blessings from people who care about you in the world. Wish you and Stone the best!!

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Typhoon is here, raining with heavy wind - poor Kiki who hasn't been out these 2 days - you think what she's doing?!

Yes, she does look bored!! (OS: see the toy box behind her?! She just can't play those by herself but hoping I can play with her - am I a toy to you?! geezee... ="=)

Well.. I guess you're hungry. Let's see your "eating" routine!

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just moved over here last night. Still trying to figure out how to move all the pictures as well. At least, I don't have to see a messy blog every morning after I wake up, though.

It was lot easier than I thought it would for the move, thanks to Ama's great instructions, certainly simple and straight!!

Hopefully, Pixnet can be stable enough that I don't have to move again...

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

受女兒大大智慧型風扇的寵幸, 又要來串了- 可是, 看完題目就差不多傻眼 - 會不會太難啦?! 無名系統又一直down... 很悶的耶!! 這樣的版面, 看起來真的好痛苦喔!! 大家就加減看吧...



有點顏色的護唇膏, Sun block & Crabtree & Evelyn's Summer Hill body lotion


kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Time flies by, here goes another year. 藉"女兒"的題, 趁機來反省及許願.
1. Hope everyone can stay healthy and happy, including Kiki, of course.
2. Hope more stray animals can be saved out from misery, Taiwan can be animal paradise just like the bulltinboard set in the airport!!
3. Journey to retirement is getting closer as wished.
4. To be "nice" to hubby as often as possible.
5. To increase my EQ and material thoughts.

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

完全是處女串... 以前看人家串-總覺得人生百態, 好有趣! 這下子,扯掉半顆頭的頭髮可能都寫不完.. 就硬著頭皮來給它寫囉...
I was going to say 釋迦, purly because 我很難搞, 雖然好吃可是籽不能不吐... but doesn't think I look that "ugly" though, hahaha..

Tough, since I can even cry over a comedy!!

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