
People like us (life is only about work without kids around) don't feel much about time. Good thing is we don't appear to get old as fast, main reason should be the mind set. Even though we complain about education system nowadays when we hear news but we really don't know how complicate it
already is. Once a while, when we get to talk to teenagers, that's when we really are suprised. There are no kids around to remind you time is ticking, just Kiki who doesn't grow old like us either. Time in this house seems to be froze, sometimes, I feel so. But, of course, when I start spending time
to count, suddendly to realize that I've been living with ignorant.

Life isn't supposed to be so - let time go by without doing a thing. Life
should be about living in it. I know I've missed a big block which there's no way to fill it up now. Making changes seem to be a must, I really don't want to look back and feel sorry another 10 years from now. But making changes of life is not easy, I'm still searching for the motivation that is powerful
enough to drive me to. Somehow, it might just be another excuse for not
taking any moves.

Luckily, I have Kiki who spend the time with me whenever I need. Even
though she's such a sweet burden. How so? Well... I always think she's a big cat with dog's coat on. She doesn't stick on people like some dogs but she gets around you, close enough with distance, except dinner time. She will be so presistant to make sure you bring her supper on to the table the time she wants. >_<"" Because of her, I don't travel unless it's necessary, and definitely no more than 10 days. So travelling to US for business in a week is kind of normal for me in past couple years.

I always say I won't have any more pets if Kiki leaves one day because
that's when I want to enjoy my life. But, I don't want her to leave so I've
tried different ways to make sure she stays healthy.

It is all about Kiki, huh?! I can't help it - whatever topic I started will end up with Kiki... geezee

Again, 只是碎碎唸..., so don't mind me.


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