
唉... 沒想到已經懶到只好用雜記來"打發大家" ... Sorry...

*Jun. overall

It's been so hot - routine walk has been pushed out to 6pm sometimes. Kind of too late but for Kiki's sake, not much choices.

想到五月份有件事該為自己記錄一下 - I have my hair cut short after 7 years. 有點不習慣, 又不得不承認"輕"涼多了. 只是又忍不住想再留長. 唉, 果真是三千"煩惱"絲!!

就這樣 - Jul. has come. @"@


6/16 Raining whole day - sleeping whole day. (No surprises..)

6/15 還好有堅持去"老爸"... 還喝到夏季才有的"芒果冰沙", 一整個就是幸福啊!!

6/12 買了羊小排, 試烤幾根給Kiki, 似乎很愛喔?! (謎之音: 有啥吃的Kiki不愛?....)

6/11 去洗澡, 回來就整個累的小孩, 早早就睡了.

6/7 跟拔拔一起散步, 走"大圈", 很HAPPY喔!!

6/1 樂狗參加集愛聚會, 又認識了許多新朋友, 好棒!!

Kiki: Please forgive my Mom and her lazy illness. She promises me that
she'll "clean up" the photo stock ASAP... 要想我喔!!

Me: Did I ever say that?? (逃...)

PS. 同場加映 弟寶拔與寶寶的"相親相愛"照.

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    Kiki, Me and Others

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