Well... 基於久久開工一次, 就來個國慶應景加送照片數十, 由首席 model - Kiki 及急起直追的新秀Annie擔綱!!

Hello - Happy Birthday, Daddy! (Yes, my hubby is a 國慶寶寶...)

Hello, Hello - 姨, 幹嘛只PO我的"背影"啊?!

OK... OK... is this better now?

OK... is it fair now?! (PS. 看得出來WHY Annie比較得寵了嘛 - 真的有比較"笑臉"啊...)

Now what... two sleepy kids, probably just being bored. 兩雙"哀怨"的眼神殺傷力果然遠大於一雙....

那個....首席 model, 請不要想用"走光"搏版面好嗎?

相親相愛, 好嗎? (多不甘願的兩人啊!!)

This is kind of classic!! 全都為了要擠在"男人"身邊爭寵啊!!

Either location, they just want to be close to us - you can tell that Kiki has been taken the location further out.

為了讓Annie一日兩餐 to ease her digest system, I now almost go out every noon - 將飼料塞滿飛碟, 置於運輸竉內, 門掩上但不鎖. The point is to have both eat their own stuff in separate space but Annie still gets her freedom once she's done since the door wasn't locked!! Problem is Kiki starts to wondering what Annie has been eating in the cage, especially using the "toy" that used to belong to her. So, for a while, she kept holding 飛碟 (empty inside) as her possession. @"@

I can't help thinking Annie也是個神經大條的小孩. Anyway, I believe she's getting comfortable in this house.

天涼了, 原本只準備一個睡墊for Annie to sleep in.

But realized that we (Kiki & I) sleep downstairs quite often as well, so I prepared another one for Kiki... Well... see, what happened?!

This is how Kiki react sometimes... she stays in the sofa from a distance and just watches...

反觀Annie - she's just being cozy!!

散步的兩個, 其實極沒默契. 老是一個在前面拖(Annie), 一個在後面摩蹭... this picture took me a long time to get it!!

還是等吃時團結多了!! ~"~

Mom.... 收工了沒?

好了... 好了... 真沒耐心ㄝ...


    創作者 kikatherine 的頭像

    Kiki, Me and Others

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