Mom says that X'mas is coming up, we're giving the tree out as a gift to Tayuan animal protection organization so I should help on modeling.
Well... here I am, behind me is the tree, hope this can help more stray animals forsee their happiness as well.

Next item is Malu弟弟的睡墊 - if I curled myself, there's lots of space.

But if I stretch out, it'll be just fit.

How it looks like on the back. Very comforting bed, the best is it really smells good...

There, thank you all for watching the show. I'm tired so I'm off to my "bed" now.

Kiki had a rough week because I was really busy. But because of Mix麻's great help, she had different companies daily and got to go out.
Please see the listed articles to find out what happened to Kiki last week...


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