The 3rd Husky Slade Race was on 12/24/2006! This year, we've learned the lesson from previous 2 tired trips so we went down there a day earlier.
Turned out, it's a very wise choice. This is Wilson, one of Kiki's loyal fans. He's my high school classmate's son (now, stop guessing how old I may be..)
We stayed at 老師的家, met with 東東爺爺一家, of course with 東東& Cooper(謝謝您們的苦瓜雞及海鮮.. 我老公就喝了三碗)
There were also Lala, Coffee, 哈奇 families. 饅頭媽 and us were planning to BBQ because of the kids, but we didn't realize 苦瓜雞 & 埔里米粉(offered by 老師的家 - thank you!) tasted so good. We ended up eating too much, by the time we got back to our BBQ area, everyone was full. However, it was only 7pm, figured in couple hours, we might get hungry and we did!So we finished most of food materials and had fun.
Thanks to 饅頭媽 for taking time to prepare BBQ material on Sat. morning to add more fun for the night!! Tired but fun!!

Meanwhile, you wonder what Kiki was doing?! She's definitely not bored because Wilson took her running around the whole place for "many" times. Of course, she's totally exhausted by the time we got back to the room.
Thanks to Wilson!!

Kiki, Wilson & Ethan(a good kid who's still looking for a sweet home, by the way!)

饅頭媽 & I both were timers for the race so we arrived 會場 around 8:40am. Saw lot more friends - feels like a 小型同樂會
Met 哈媽咪 (thank you for the delicious 肉乾!!), 哈V family (thanks for the great handmade cookies - Kiki loves them!!)

My Love ones. See 哈V, 妮妮 & 牙牙 behind the scene?!

Malu family & Malu (of course, new nickname is "自high王"!), Giru family & Giru, Nana (new nickname "坐坐二人組") - (thanks for the pretty 項圈), Baggy媽 & Baggy (thanks for the pretty night blinker), Carol "family" (thanks so much for the pictures from Kiki's birthday, they're great!!)Lucifer family & "小路"(who's now called "大路" - she's almost the same size of Kiki now!! Time really flies, still remember the little Lucifer when we first met!! Thanks for the great tag with Kiki's picture on, love it!!)呆門family (thanks for the delicious 豆干!!) Great to see all of you, my friends, wish we could spend more time with you that day!! Kiki thanks everyone's love!! (Sorry, she's still kind of tired...)
(By the way, who's next birthday kid, parents please come forward!!)

Wilson, Kiki & Angel (Wilson's sister who doesn't scare of dogs as much anymore) Aren't they just cute together?!We "promised" to go together next year!
To new friends, nice to meet you! To "old" friends, great to see you all again since we really don't get too many chances. Hope you all have a great Year 2007 and your babies stay happy and healthy!!
Thanks to Luka family and all volunteers for putting so much efforts to give us such wonderful time together!! We'll see you next year again!!

PS. Sorry, I spent half of time doing the volunteer job and the other half "mango" with friends, so I really "forgot" taking pictures....

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