Someone found him at 桃園 (靠大園市區), couldn't find chip (晶片), so no identification.
Found with 心絲蟲, all readings are un-normal. 因為腎功能也顯示不正常, 即使知道他痛, 難過, 卻也不敢冒險給他止痛藥. 只有一直弔點滴
聽著他沉重的呼吸聲, 夾雜時而如喊痛的豬叫聲. 醫生做了好多檢驗卻找不到病因..
桃園欣欣醫院的醫生建議轉診, 因為現有儀器不夠做再進一步的檢驗.
看著他為了想"喬"一個較舒服的姿勢不得, 撐個頭在半空中咬緊牙, 好心痛.
享受著許久沒享受到的"摸摸", 他似乎想起了曾有過的家, we don't know where that is but if you've seen him before, please help him!!
明天狀況若仍如此不明, 會先依建議轉診至"曼哈頓"再看能否找出讓他痛苦不堪的病因.
Meanwhile, 如果您認識他, 請幫助他!!
或許他的主人也正心急的在找他, 所以,即使掃不到晶片, 我們還是存著一絲希望 - 如果他能找到曾有的家!!
他因疼痛, 眼睛不太有力氣張開 - 右棕, 左藍的陰陽眼, 約20~21kgs重, 公, 未結紮.
請再多看他一眼, 幫助他回家?!
PS. 去了趟"曼哈頓", had processed bunch of tests again, 又花了四千多大洋, 換來的依舊是不確定病因.饅頭媽又帶著他回欣欣, 醫生讓他住"氧氣室", 情況似乎有在好轉, 連腎功能指數都呈現進步.有機會再po詳細的檢驗報告. 他在努力 - 希望somewhere in the world, 也有個愛他的人努力在找他.
PPS. One of the reasons we want to find his owner is to see if there's more input to help the vet finding better ways to treat him right and get him out of the pains.
1/16晚去欣欣看他, 住氧氣室的小孩趴在水碗上有點悶. 心想把籠門打開些好拍照... 當場把頭連頭套一起要擠出來!!
很緊張的把他"推"回去,還邊跟他道歉, 怕他身上吊的點滴脫落. 結果籠門關好後竟然"屁股"轉向對我們, 似乎在抗議. 真是令我們又好氣又好笑 - but we're really happy to see he's getting some energy back!!
不過, 後來有坐端正給照相喔!! 只不過,隔著籠門, 真的有點難照...
有注意到舌頭呈藍紫色嗎? 原來是因為呼吸道有問題造成他缺氧, 所以需要呆在氧氣室 (1/20 UPDATED)
看到今天的檢驗報告, most of the readings are getting back to acceptable range, except 排毒功能指數仍然不正常. 可是, 知道他願意自己吃飯, even only a little, 還是讓人振奮不已!! 希望他能早日擺脫疼痛. 屆時若仍"等無人", 饅頭媽會開始送養, 幫他找新家!!
1/20 Dr. Tsai called yesterday and said they just realized that how much 小豬 needs oxygen. They left him out for less than 3 mins., he couldn't breathe well~~
For elminating more causes, she suggested us to take him to Mahatan Clinic again.
However, to transport 小豬 isn't easy since he might be in life danger without oxygen... the vet prepared 一"罐"氧氣桶 to go along.
See how huge the 氧氣桶?! We're told it's around 100Kg!! But we're glad that we did have it or 小豬 may not make it for the trip...
So far, we can only know there's a hole in his chest but no one knows how to fix it, except to hope that it can be self-recovered. Until then, he'll have to stay in 氧氣室 to be alive.Feels like we're stuck now since we don't know how long it'll take for him to fix the hole on his own but we can't imagin a HUSKY stay in a limisted room for life either.
But we all have been thru this much to get here, no one wants to just give up. We wish there're more signs to tell us what to do to help him!!
照片及中文版後補- to be continued!!