What's Kiki been doing lately, except sleeping like crazy??
你看看... 有沒有給她睡的很"舒服"?
Isn't this too much out of line?? Boy, she sure knows how to enjoy
"sleeping activity"!!
I thought she can't just sleepping thru most of the time, so I came up this
idea - which probably should blame myself for "teaching" Kiki to pick up
her toys and actually give them back to me - I started to use treats to
encourage her to do so.
New Toy... Cute?!
不"頂頂", 那"背背"好了...
歹勢... 完全離題的麻麻... Anyway, to make long story short - turned out that
she's always in "hungry" mood this winter, the result came out to be great, too great that I'm not sure how to stop her without turning her off
completely, either. Why would I say that?
I thought this is breaking record....
No, she added one after that.... (can you find out?? 謎底在下面, 還是要先猜喔!!)
Well, here's what happened, for stopping her keep bringing back the toy to eat more treats, I put aside the toy she brings back. Who knows that "人外有人, 天外有天" (這成語是這麼用的嗎??), she starts to go thru her toy box and just keep bringing me more toys to trade whenever I put away one!!
看來, 饑餓也是可以開發潛能的!! (What kind of conclusion is that?? Oh well....)
PS. 謎底 - Were you right??
- Jan 22 Fri 2010 12:51