一直以為你的生日文, 麻麻還可以寫上好幾年, 所以每年都會偷懶, 沒想到現在只能後悔莫及沒有好好保存屬於我們的時光...
12/6/1999 till forever!
雖然知道這個日子遲早會到,但要面對卻怎麼也難準備好。 感謝妳的努力,感謝妳的貼心,麻麻真的都有感受到。 希望這一生妳覺得幸福快樂的時刻比較多,也希望妳已經到沒有病痛的極樂天堂。 我們會過的很好,妳不要擔心,安心去做小天使,過好日子!
Dear Ki baby, you must have known how much we love you to see you free, hope you're happily in haven now.
I did realize that all I have about you now are lots of photos that I don't think they've ever gonna be enough to record the life of yours with us.
Everytime I look through these pictures, all the memories would be brought back, the ones I didn't remember anymore during past couple months or even a year ago.
I know whatever I think different now won't change the fact that you're gone.
Just realize that you love me so much that I am the only in your eyes and you're willing to give your life just for me and it even takes time for me to learn that fact - How can I be be ignorant?! I'm sorry, my dear baby, I did know you love me but not nearly as much how deep the love is. I'll never ever be able to return the same back to you.
I know it's going to take me a while to complete this one but didn't know it would so hard...
The 2nd week, I finally started to vaccum first floor - so much of your hair, miss you....
The 3rd week, I started to vaccume the 2nd floor which you're almost every where
It's like I'm cleaning you up hair by hair... will this really take you away or just remind me more of you, still miss you...
12/10 I thought I could complete this before your birthday but the truth is, there's no way...
叔叔,阿姨,弟弟,妹妹們來慶祝妳的重生on 12/6, you know that, right? Mom showed them our walking paths, you must be happy to have so many people to walk with you over the weekend to celebrate your birthday?!
Finally, I seem to be able to going thru the pictures without getting motional breakdown. They say: time cures everything, I guess but I believe that's because I know better now how to keep you in my heart!
Just look at how cute and naughty you were would bring peace of mind.
What more should I ask for?
I believe you're happy now, hopefully, you do take care of 安小妮跟妹妹 and having fun together!!
Love these pictures which recorded so many great memories of ours and good friends!
We will all miss you and continue to love you with or without your presence!
2/27/2015 這篇可能永遠不會結束的思念文算是暫時完成了, 這段時間感謝所有陪在身邊的朋友實際或精神上的支持, 我已經能坦然面對. Both Kiki and I are so lucky to have you in our life, than you for being there. 我們的人生有你們很幸運.
- Nov 16 Sun 2014 23:13