Where are we? Yes, we went to 綠風草原 last Mon. for Malu family's visit.

So... for showing my appreciation... I devoted my kiss to Malu拔 (Me OS: 狐狸精改不了本性又開始"乃"... 歹勢喔..Malu拔, Malu麻一定是照相存證了!! )

Seems like Malu family brought the sun from Taichung - the weather was so nice, we couldn't believe it's winter. After we had our lunch, running around is must or we'd feel sorry for the grass.

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

I know it's kind of crazy to go 2~3 times a week but it's the "safest" place to go now!

Anyway, the owner saw Kiki running alone in the field so he sent "美美" as a company who's definitely a happy dog!! She's all over the places and had lots of fun just running around. Then "億如"(not sure) came along as well who's a 寄宿的小孩.
Till Mix mom came, they're called back. Thank you both!!

Mix mom 很勇, she took all 4 dogs with her that day!! 剛到時, 還真幫她捏一把冷汗..

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

Not sure how much I can help but if there are more people see this, maybe he'll get more chances to find a new life?!




kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

Thought it's a nice day but didn't want to go too far, plus with no company, it's kind of difficult.
So, 春天農場 came to my mind since 小胖媽 said 環保公園started to forbid dogs walking and going to 春天農場 is free if we have their membership which I really do.

Well... in 5 minutes, wait, to be more precise, in one minute after I loosed Kiki's leash....

What is this?! Look at her feet!!

She ran into their "可愛動物區", chasing after the rabbit which she ended up running back & forth in the mud and also stuck in 迷你馬群中!!

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

Mom says that X'mas is coming up, we're giving the tree out as a gift to Tayuan animal protection organization so I should help on modeling.
Well... here I am, behind me is the tree, hope this can help more stray animals forsee their happiness as well.

Next item is Malu弟弟的睡墊 - if I curled myself, there's lots of space.

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