目前分類:Kiki (77)

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  • Feb 01 Fri 2008 18:19
  • 新歡

Hello, this is my new love - gift from Pinku mom for my 8th birthday.

I love it so much that I have to take it with me at all time, especially after dinner so I can "use out" some of my erengy!!

I do like to play with Mom, too so she can be "chewed" by me!!

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Kiki doesn't like camera - wonder if it's "遺傳" from us. So... I have to work with her a lot when taking pictures.

ME: 喂 - 看我!!

Kiki: How's this?!
Me: No!! Look at me!

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Whenever we said "出去" or "散步", Kiki's ears are up and eyes get shined, then acting like crazy. So we called those are "magic words" which we try
not to say them if we don't mean it. Just in case....

This day, we came to 老爸的後花園 again! It's sort of our kitchen and dining room now. ^__^" Becaue we almost go there every Sun. if there're no

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This is the 4th year that I've attended this event which has been another
great experience.

Even though, I wasn't able to spend as much time with Kiki or other friends because of helping the race. It's still fun to see old friends and meet new

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Kiki來拜早年囉!! (KIKI: Mom, too early!!)

Oh, well... 那麼, 只好抓Mr. Santa Claus and his muse team 來應個景!!

(PS. It started raining heavily, Kiki拔 was trying to get Kiki "posed" for
the crazy Mom as "quickly" as possible, so, the special effect is needed.

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Quite a bit of people have seen Kiki's 痞樣 and wonder if it's safe. Well...
she's been riding the car like so for more than 6 or 7 years, sometimes, I even wonder if she could be a good "sufer" as well since I can tell that she does adjust position by her 2 feet!!

It's my bone - you gave it to me, it's mine!! See how she "hold" the bone
within, doesn't matter if she wants to eat it or not.

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Hey, 我們來猜拳吧?! Kiki: Mom, 我睡得正舒服ㄝ... 好啦.. 用腳吧!!

Are you ready? Paper, scissor, rock - scissor!! Kiki: I win!!

Yea.. yea.. yea... can you do anything else? Let's try again.

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照例, 先來張大頭照!! (Kiki OS: my Mom is wondering maybe I can model for Coca Cola one day in her dream....)

再來張臭臉照... (This was taken after couple runs in swimming pool - you
can tell how "unhappy" she was. ^__^)

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It's always difficult to ask Kiki to pose for me because she doesn't like
camera. Neither one of us like camera in this family (應該不是遺傳吧?!)

I don't know a better way to keep track of her company with us except doing what we are not really crazy about. I'm glad that I set up the blog for her
even though I had to move for several times.

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My mom is bored to ask me to pose for her... me?! The queen?! Well... for
the food and treats sake, alright....

How's this?

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  • Nov 05 Mon 2007 22:04
  • Wait!

It's been couple years after using "wait" as a major training instruction to
keep Kiki's patience and stability.

And it does work pretty well.

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Hello - me is finally back to the pictures again!!

Miss me?

Well... after my Mom got Annie back and we're about getting close.

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Who's the "skinny" one swimming?

It's me!! Mom kept saying I'm thinner now - can you tell?! (OS: Kiki's down
to 22kgs now!! Yeah!!)

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Not really sure what to do, so I'm going to get back to 無名 for now till I figure out more.

Please come visit Kiki & me at http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kikatherine

See you all there!!

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This morning - a secret package delivered!!

Mom... I think it's for me, I can smell it.

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Well... somehow, I don't remember much about what happened just last month. With quite a bit of raining days, Kiki's life was very "relaxing".

Sleeping becomes one of the most important "activities" for her.

See.. how much space she occupies?!

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Yes, me... being too lazy after CNY, 只好來記流水帳instead. 還好有Mix mom & Pinku mom 當初鉅細靡遺,圖文並茂的記載Kiki's "holiday" 充場面, 不然, 真對不起Kiki...

Well... my hubby & I went to CA, USA during CNY which was a business trip but we did have some free time so we also visited couple "Outlet Malls", shops and my niece who I haven't seen her for 10 years after our last meeting!!

俯瞰San Diego'S coast line

Yes... more shopping than sightseeing... which means we won't have too many pictures...

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Just last week, I realized that Kiki is 7 years old now but not 6 and she'll be 8 years old by the end of the year!! Scaring - isn't it?! Feels like there's a year just got stolen without anyone of us knowing!

Funny thing is I looked thru our "wedding certificate" and found out I've been married longer than I thought (so as my busband... well... ="=, for couples who don't even remember anniversary, that's probably expected?!) And, then realized the fact Kiki is older than we thought!!

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Well... just realized Kiki had a great vacation even though her parents were away. And thanks to Mix Mom & Pinku Mom to actually made it happened!! Moreover, they sent me so many pictures and video with articles just to let me know Kiki's fine with them here. I can only say we're so lucky to know you guys as friends!!

Anyway, here're more about Kiki's vacation.

Walk with Mix

Walk with Hego

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We're out for business trip these days, anyone wonder what Kiki is doing while we're out?! Is she miserably in dog hotel? NO.... NO.... NO.... She is having lot more fun than being at home!!!

Please see here: "Mix 和 KiKi 一起散去也"


You will find out - she's having a great time!!

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