目前分類:Kiki (77)

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以為是介紹哪一種蛋糕可以療傷, 那麼你就想錯了!!
In fact, I was in pretty bad mood last night so I decided to make a cake! 從網路上(麻糬麻家)看到作戚風蛋糕的方法, 決定也來試做. 愛搞"創意" (其實是喜歡偷吃步又常缺小配料)的我, 當然又忍不住的微調一下作法. Anyway, Kiki had been
staying on the side - they seem always know if you're making something
they can enjoy or not??!! ^__^


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Because of Kiki's age, she's now taking health check about twice a year so we can be cautious enough. 這次作"小套", 決定回去欣欣醫院作.


基本上所有數值都在good range, 除了Cl, 醫生認為應該水喝不夠多. (不知Kiki是否為呼應醫生的診斷, 回家後狂喝水 ^__^") But 醫生同時提到其中三項數值(HCT, HGB & MCHC), 正常應是年紀越大會越偏上限, 反之, 年紀越輕會越偏下限, 而Kiki的讀數竟然都偏下限 - 是"偽幼犬"裝的太徹底了嗎??

因為點了散瞳劑, 所以留到最後才檢查眼睛 - So happy to know that she has beautiful eyes!! 狀況良好, 雖然是該有老化現象的年紀, 但是有著完美的瞳孔!!

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因為去年寵物展購買的東西品質不好, 今年完全不想去. 但陰錯陽差之下, 進入展覽會場20分鐘左右就出來的我竟為Kiki又帶來無限福利啊!! 原本忘了要照相, 所以都收到箱子裡了, 後來Mix媽幫忙帶來其他的才熊熊想起.


Can you see how happy she was??

You can look closer...

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DSC01242-1.jpg 好悠閒又幸福的感覺吧?! 是Malu和拔拔喔!!

Kiki had a very busy month,

5/30 和妹妹&榔頭家相約到狄恩絲游泳, 沒打算讓Kiki游, 卻因"不小心"掉入水中, 只得之後趕往哈V媽開的哈寶貝洗澡. 一整個很累... 遊記請參考妹妹&榔頭家.  http://blog.xuite.net/mermaidmaymay/maymay/24428790

6/7 Yolanda's Birthday Party 在春天農場. 認識了好多新朋友, 也見識到Yolanda家辦此Party花費的心力, 真是只能豎起大姆指稱厲害. 好用心喔!! 當天還有Haky & Nikie兩位壽星寶寶!!  好久不見的哈媽咪及阿橘姐(當然有害羞的橘小生..)跟很厲害的大器一家, 可愛的亮以夏日造型登場等等.   遊記請參考....



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Kiki雖然不算乖, 但仗著年齡的"優勢", 算是比較穩定的小孩. 所以, 每每說起她近來年紀愈大, 脾氣愈不好, 或愈沒耐性, 很難讓人想像那個畫面. Here's the living proof!!

最後把自己塞到桌椅之間的縫 (I call the spot as her "戰鬥位置"), 表示放棄. 但"表情"哀怨, 實在是....

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

看到Malu少爺每年都去賞桐花, 裝娘..(啊.. 不是, 是可愛啦!!), Kiki熟女賭氣之下, 決定怎麼樣也要來"創意"一下...


Kiki: 麻, 快看我!!


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是說, 我最近真的生病了, 而且是沒藥醫的心病. Hopefully, I can get well sooner or I'll be broke before I turn back to senses.


Mami - you're so nice, I love you!!
(OS: 是啦...是啦... 有這麼多, 妳當然愛"我"囉!!)

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

是滴... 麻麻懶病又發了... @"@

Anyway, we're doing fine. Kiki might have a best CNY holiday eve this year since she either spent time at 暨南大學的大草皮 or having fun in 狗狗運動公園 with friends, new or old.

Started to have her taken DS to maintain her joint status since she has no problem now, but the vet suggested it's about time to make sure she gets enough. So, 1 DS + 1 Pet Tab Plus + 1 cookie become her treats after
meal instead of 1 Pet Tab Plus + 2 cookies. Other than that, our life is just as routine!


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Time flies - there goes another year!! Wonder if everyone had a good year of 2008? I'm sure it's a crazy year for most people, especially with such
dramatic economy changes worldwide. Luckily, for Kiki, her life doesn't
change much, except she had Annie's company for almost 4 months which is some case never happened to her before. Usually, couple days were the longest, 4 months is quite a bit of different. However, Annie isn't a crazy
puppy that may bite or fight with Kiki, so the "roomate" thing shouldn't
bother Kiki too much. Probably, only during the meal time.... @~@"

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It's Kiki's 9-year-old birthday, but we won't be around her. So she's going
to stay in GGWW for one night with Annie. So glad to see the sun this
morning, last night was cold which made me worried!!

(Kiki OS: 不是說要出去玩嗎?? 還不快點?!)

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

Interesting that Annie has been with us for 2.5 months - sometimes, time
flies; other time, it's painful. Most of the time, Annie is like Kiki - they're almost "invisible" at home, except dinner time. What better can normal
people ask for, you know what I mean? However, eating her own poop
bothers me a lot and I almost have no way to stop such behavior. 有沒有人可以提供任何建議讓Annie不要再吃自己的便便呢?? Greatly appreciated if any
of you can offer ideas, I'm willing to try. Thank you in advance.

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

Well... 基於久久開工一次, 就來個國慶應景加送照片數十, 由首席 model - Kiki 及急起直追的新秀Annie擔綱!!

Hello - Happy Birthday, Daddy! (Yes, my hubby is a 國慶寶寶...)

Hello, Hello - 姨, 幹嘛只PO我的"背影"啊?!

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

去年Annie還在這裡找家時拍的. 看Kiki當初"圓滾滾"的身材, 走到哪都被說胖. 後來連"毛很營養"的形容詞都出現了. So, I decided to help her to lose weight. 一方面也希望Kiki不要太重而增加關節的壓力. 畢竟, 她也有點年紀, 保養要趁早!! ^__^

kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Somehow, Kiki這樣看來很"憨呆".. 可能是剛被我吵醒...

是滴 - 其實說穿了, 它還是篇"雜記". 熱到完全不想動, 甚麼都能"等等再說"的地步.
Longing for Autumn to come!! Not that much different for Kiki, though. She still catch every going out moment, doesn't care if it's melting hot out

6/27 - ㄚ飛弟弟來家裡借住一日, 沒啥互動的兩隻只有在 treat 出現時會自動互相靠近.

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With non-stop raining these days, the most often activity done by Kiki
is - sleeping (or 放空?)


kikatherine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

唉... 沒想到已經懶到只好用雜記來"打發大家" ... Sorry...

*Jun. overall

It's been so hot - routine walk has been pushed out to 6pm sometimes. Kind of too late but for Kiki's sake, not much choices.

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是滴 - Here we are again. We joke about it's our backyard for how often we visit the place.

KIKI: Mom, where are we heading to?
Me: Of course the place you like... (But I thought you love anywhere as long as you're out??) @_@

餵食秀是一定要的啦!! We had a new member today - 媚娘!! Look at how straight she sits?? HAHAHA

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Sunday, 今年的首次下水 - we went to Melody Dog because it's kind of raining outside and we need to pick up the meals. No need to say, Kiki had been running around the pool like crazy instead of swimming in the pool.
Luckily, I did bring her life jacket and "forced" her to swim couple runs.

Sorry... 完全離題... Anyway, she was playing somebody else's dad (>_<",
yap, that's right...), he suddenly said - hey, did you lose your tooth? We all looked at Kiki and realized that she did lose one. Watch closely from the listed pictures and see if you can find out?!


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Out for business trip to Las Vegas this week, I send Kiki to Sophia, the
only pet hotel I've found that may be suitable for Kiki.

Wanna know how Kiki's doing there?! Check it out...


This is the 2nd time Kiki's staying there, seems to work out better. Again, I won't know for sure till I pick her up couple days later after I get back

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For a Husky - Kiki, this winter might be a little bit cold. She stays more time in bed than on the floor, that's for sure.

Well, picking up Kiki's "happy meal" right before CNY, "順便" bought couple "gifts" for Kiki and her friends - Mix, Hego, Ethan and 饅頭. See how enjoy she is?


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