Somehow, Kiki這樣看來很"憨呆".. 可能是剛被我吵醒...
是滴 - 其實說穿了, 它還是篇"雜記". 熱到完全不想動, 甚麼都能"等等再說"的地步.
Longing for Autumn to come!! Not that much different for Kiki, though. She still catch every going out moment, doesn't care if it's melting hot out
6/27 - ㄚ飛弟弟來家裡借住一日, 沒啥互動的兩隻只有在 treat 出現時會自動互相靠近.
PS. Finally got the I-phone that bought in Apr.
But sent it back in 2 weeks since it doesn't work as well as I thought.
Getting a new blackberry as exchange though.
5~7/Jul. - 妹來家裡借住三宿. 平時"愛慕" Kiki的妹還是三不五時要親Kiki, 搞得她很毛, 卻又無可奈何. 有時, 只能"吠"兩句消消氣.
7/6 Took both of them to 樂狗, ended up "becoming" others' kids
for staying next to tables with food. 唉... getting older, food seems really to be their main joy in life!!
PS. Important - 樂狗餐包由 350g 到 400g 以"慶祝"Kiki 成為"窈窕淑女"的一員!! (She's now 20kgs with the waist line!!!) 再來寫一篇交代好了. (Kiki OS: Don't just forget about it, mom!!)
7/13 100號牧場 - we finally visited it!!
Even though it's so hot but Kiki had a great time - look at her!
We didn't stay for long since it's a spontaneous trip but definitely will visit
it again!
PS. Koko麻說Kiki是美麗, 慧黠的哈哈 - I'm so happy to hear that but, that's
probably an illusion caused by the weather, tasty ice cream and new
environment!! ^__^"
You can visit 100號牧場's web site for more information.
7/15 聽說送到德國的Kelly最近跟家人到法國度假 - How nice!! It's all worth
it when I hear such nice news, should be the same for all other 中途 or 救助人吧?!
France? Vacation? I want to go for a vacation, too!! (完全在地上耍賴打滾中
with Kiki staring at me, of course... @"@)
7/18 Had facial done at new spa, 在巷口碰到一隻黃金獵犬弟弟, 追著過往的機車找尋熟悉, 令人心疼! 回到家收到Annie媽發的mail, 說可能無法再養Annie. Called her to find out what's happening and what I can do help. Will set up an appointment with them to see how we can do which is better for all. Stop asking the questions like why?! Since people like us probably won't never understand people like them and vice versa.
情況還ok, 應該只是需要幾個月的幫忙照顧Annie - they still love Annie!! That's all I need to know.
7/21 Planning to go to 寵物展, will update after we "spend" too much $. Took Kiki to the show, bought a bunch treats and got a free key chain with Kiki's photo in. 跟饅頭媽約定好了, 明年也要挑這個timing去"敗家"!! ^__^
7/22 因為家裡跳電, 害我要爬牆. 正在"努力"從車蓋爬到圍牆時, 忽然, a police
"stopped by". Funny thing was he didn't seem to care much about what I was doing. 警察先生說: "嗯.. 可以問妳幾個問題嘛?" .... (我此時正卡在欄杆跟屋簷間想辦法不被欄杆尖端搓到或沒準備好就掉下去的尷尬時刻) "算了, 妳先忙, 我等妳."
看官們, 想像得到我當時的心情嗎? Anyway... just kind of too funny to think about it.
7/25 頭髮有愈剪愈短的趨勢, 難道剪頭髮會上癮嗎??
7/26 & 7/27 Kiki賺到兩天"颱風散步假" - way too exciting during the walk. No way to tell how old she is, that's all I can say....