Yes, we did go this year but instead of spending too much time, we had
Mix Mom "熟門熟路" 的帶領 who saved us 90% of wondering time ... Did I
spend less? I doubt it since I was prepared to get Kiki at least 6-month
worth of treats to start with. @"@
裝臭臉 - (Not sure if she's worried that I'd take them away after setting all
up or she's anxious to taste the treats, just couldn't sit tight for me to "堆疊"麻麻的戰果)
Now, you're smiling - they're all yours, don't worry. Not like we have other
kids to fight wth you!! 小氣鬼Ki...
The best thing happened was we visited Annie at her new home. It so nice to see she's under good care and happy!! (Yes, I didn't take any
pictures, please "blame" me!) Will try to visit her more often!! ^_^
- Jul 23 Fri 2010 10:34