
饅頭媽totally loves this picture - thought it reflects Kiki's "狐狸精" 精髓
(another story, maybe sometimes in the future)

2 weeks in a row, we went to this place called "狄恩絲寵物休閒農場".
Pretty new so there's nice grass with a swimming pool.

Kiki was happy, so as others who went as well, I'm sure.

(Kiki & Ethan) It's always nice to see their happy faces!

(Kiki & 饅頭) Even though they'd rather drink "洗腳水" than from the water bowl
we prepared for them..

But it's all worth it when looking at their smiles!!

Who has bigger "bottom"?! Guess who they are?! Winner gets a nice treat for your baby!!

Oh, here's the legend... please watch carefully!!

Don't think Kiki ever make it thru, right?!

Guess again!!

Kiki, you're still a skinny girl!


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