
Wow... Mom told me these are from Malu弟弟的拔拔的愛心. I'm so happy!!
Malu"哥哥", do you see my happy smile??
Thank you so much!!

Mom said that I have to behave and take a picture with the gifts before I "do" anything to them.
But, she said one picture!! How come I've been waiting for so long?!

(But I do look pretty in this "necklace", right?!)

Mom, didn't you see my "begging" face looking right at you?!

This looks fun.

Wow... it blinks, too?!

Can I play now?!

Kiki was wondering about how to play it for a second, I threw it out so she found out the fun part... Chasing after it, tossing it up in the air and tried to catch it all by herself... But once a while, still got intimidated by it which was kind of strange but funny, though to watch her in that way!

She ended up really tired after a while.

Dear Malu拔, 好感謝你的禮物!! Kiki好高興ㄝ!! 讓您破費了... 謝謝呢!!

Kiki OS: Mom..明明妳玩得比我還認真?!
Me OS: well... 你小孩子懂什麼?! Mom spends time playing with you, 還"嫌"啊?!
Kiki:又"惱羞成怒"了... Mom's temper should get controlled better...
Me: 整個無言..........

總之, 謝謝Malu拔喔!!

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