Dear Kiki,

Your 6th birthday is coming up, even though we already had the party to celebrate it yesterday which I hope you enjoyed all the companies!!

There were Giru爸,媽 with Giru, Nana, 翁仔哥哥 with Elegant, 饅頭爸,媽 with 饅頭, Ethan, "Demo"媽 with Demo, Carol姐姐, 盤子哥哥 with 熊熊(Lab.), 哈媽咪 with "金頂電池" Gena, ㄚ橘姐姐 with ㄚ橘, Nasa媽 with Nasa, Nabby, 安安爸,媽 with happy 安安, 熊熊爸 with cute 熊熊(Husky)and Sabrina 姨姨 with her family, including "最愛妳的小哥哥"all came to celebrate for you. Malu爸,媽 with Malu sent their blessings even earlier.I'm sure you're happy and that's all it matters. Look at all these cakes, I'm pretty sure all "your friends" were happy,too?!

Gift from Carol姐姐 which she loves very much.

Kiki: Carol姐姐, you can come "play" it with me, I'll definitely share with you. Thank you very much!!

All the tasty treats from Giru爸,媽,Demo媽, 千金爸,媽 and 饅頭爸,媽...
Kiki: I love them all, but mom didn't give me any(just one greenie till now - please tell her those are mine and I should be able to take charge!!)

Kiki was totally exhausted on the way back and slept deeply after she had dinner (yes, she still had dinner!!)

My only wish is Kiki can be healthy and happy at all time, sure will be slightly different than hers but...She will have physical check for the year lately, will post it as a record for future reference.

PS for Kiki: 各位"叔叔,阿姨", please help to "捐贈" pictures you took that day for my Maria, if possible!! She was too busy doing something else... not really sure what?! 人年紀大就是這樣 (Me: it's kind of true... but do you have to tell the world?!)

I missed lots of chances to play with everyone but I do thank Kevin, my dear husband had spent all time with Kiki during the party to make sure she had a great time!!

Thank you, honey..

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