First time I met her. 這就是我第一次看到它的樣子
With little food, she came along without much thinking.
給它一些食物, 它毫不遲疑地走過來吃
This collar is the only thing that can identify her if she has a owner who's looking for her.
如果它有主人的話, 這條在它身上又髒又臭的項圈, 是主人可以辨認它的唯一線索
Didn't think we could find any ID, but still had to give it a try.
雖然想都不敢想可以從它身上掃到晶片, 但還是請醫院掃掃看
Look how skinny she is and the way she likes to lay on the floor!!
它看起來很瘦, 還有它很喜歡青蛙趴的姿勢
Fresh wound since the blood was still coming out from the neck. Probably just bitten by other dogs. Luckily, it's fine after the vet cleaned it.
新的傷口--從它脖子上不斷滲出的鮮血看來, 可能不久前被其他的狗狗咬傷的
After two medical bath, this is the worst part which might be scratches she did to herself because of ichy.
洗過兩次藥澡後, 這隻腳的傷口是全身最糟糕的部分, 這可能是它自己抓癢抓出傷來
Despite all she's been through, still... the typical sweet, husky smile with the innonecence. I don't know how much she's sufferred but definitely hard enough in such hot summer season.
縱使它的皮膚狀況很糟糕, 它還是露出哈士奇的招牌笑容, 儘管在台灣這樣悶熱的夏天
它們承受了這麼多的苦難, 它們依然這麼天真無邪地還能笑臉迎人
我不知道它從哪裡來, 但是我痛恨那個讓它受盡折磨的人
This is how she looks now, after couple days rest, shaved (for the flea & ticks all over) and 2 med. bath.
經過幾天的休息, 剃光全身的毛加上洗了兩次藥澡後 (因為它身上滿是跳蚤和壁蝨)
She still feels ichy but can be cured for 2 weeks with intensive care.
它現在還是會癢, 但只需兩個星期的療程即可復原
This is her - following you around as long as you have treats in your hands.
(以上中文部份是Mix媽依照KiKi媽的原文翻成中文的, thanks for her help!!)
有疥癬及膿皮症(主因為細菌感染), 血檢後一切正常(thank goodness!!). 聲帶已被割除,
無法發聲. 腹部有條"拉鍊", 懷疑是剖腹生產所留, 因為醫生認為她應未結紮.
上下各兩顆犬齒均無, 左下方臼齒也沒有, 剩下的有牙結石 - 會於結紮時請醫生順便洗牙!
各種跡象讓我們懷疑她是被繁殖場丟棄的, 所以連謀生能力都蠻薄弱.
But, of course, we'll never know unless we find her previous owner which doesn't seem to be possible.
是個"貪吃"的"小孩"(無法判定年齡, 因為沒啥牙齒可供參考), 吃飽喝足,
暫時衣食無慮的她除了停下來抓癢, 討吃外, 似乎還有頗多精力要發洩. 體型算嬌小,
不到17kgs. 在醫院的籠中很穩定(Maybe that's how she's spent most of life before anyway).
如果你有意認養這麼個傻哈哈(戲謔她是二愣子, 神經是典型哈哈的大條),
請與徐小姐聯絡. Mail to:
I wasn't ready to take her since this isn't the typical way I help stray dogs. However, she just ran into my life without giving me much time or choice. Other than TNR, I don't know if I could do more for her. But I doubt how she can survive on the streets with no vocal, few teeth left! Maybe time can help me to sort this through and find a way out. Meanwhile, if you're interested in taking her as part of your family, please mail me at Or pray for her happiness to come soon! Thank you.
我並不打算將它收編, 因為這真的不是我幫助流浪狗的方式, 但它就這樣在無意中闖進我的生命
讓我沒有太多的時間去思考或是做任何選擇, 我還不確定除了為它做TNR之外我還會為它做些什麼
假如它再度淪落街頭的話, 我真懷疑它可以生存下來, 時間也許能幫我找到解決的方法
至少這是目前我僅能期望的, 稍後我會更新有關它的訊息的, 請大家繼續關注此事
無論如何, 如果你有興趣認養它, 把它當成家中的一分子, 不要遲疑請跟 徐小姐聯絡
PS. Pixnet's "block out" last night took my original article off. Luckily, Mix mom did help to post the message as well, better yet, she helped to translate it to Chinese (thank you very much, Mix mom!) so I'm able to "remember" what I wrote. And which is why how the article looks different now.