發現除了"坐下", Annie竟然還會"握手" & "換手" - Does that mean she was owned by a regular family before?! I can't help wondering but how come?!
She always sit quietly to see what you're up to. 在籠內總是靜靜地看著, 不吵鬧, 不燥動.
Can't take her eyes away from the treats in hands. 出了籠, 只要手中有零食, 她的目光完全跟隨你.
After one week intensive treatment and 3 med. bath, she finally feels better. 經過一週密集服藥及數次藥浴, 她終於好多了!
I've heard that she sleeps up side down the night before, I guess she feels comfortable and secured. Moreover, she doesn't feel as ichy anymore, at least she didn't keep sctraching herself while I was there.
聽說前一晚還睡到"四腳朝天"! 應該也不那麼癢了, 沒像之前一直抓個不停. 傷口看起來也好多了了.
Look at her - she's all relaxed!!
She's getting better but I don't know where her new home will be. Hopefully, she's lucky enough to find "the one" for herself! By the way, I'd like to call her Annie - it's kind of strange that looking at her without a name...
看著她漸漸好轉, 我確還未找到她的未來, 仍然只能祈禱她能找到幸福. 很難想像一隻無法出聲遏止別人, 沒幾顆牙可以保護自己的她到底要如何在街頭生存下去. 對了, 決定叫她"安妮"(Annie), 沒名字真的很奇怪..
發現除了"坐下", Annie竟然還會"握手" & "換手" - Does that mean she was owned by a regular family before?! I can't help wondering but how come?!
She always sit quietly to see what you're up to. 在籠內總是靜靜地看著, 不吵鬧, 不燥動.
Can't take her eyes away from the treats in hands. 出了籠, 只要手中有零食, 她的目光完全跟隨你.
After one week intensive treatment and 3 med. bath, she finally feels better. 經過一週密集服藥及數次藥浴, 她終於好多了!
I've heard that she sleeps up side down the night before, I guess she feels comfortable and secured. Moreover, she doesn't feel as ichy anymore, at least she didn't keep sctraching herself while I was there.
聽說前一晚還睡到"四腳朝天"! 應該也不那麼癢了, 沒像之前一直抓個不停. 傷口看起來也好多了了.
Look at her - she's all relaxed!!
She's getting better but I don't know where her new home will be. Hopefully, she's lucky enough to find "the one" for herself! By the way, I'd like to call her Annie - it's kind of strange that looking at her without a name...
看著她漸漸好轉, 我確還未找到她的未來, 仍然只能祈禱她能找到幸福. 很難想像一隻無法出聲遏止別人, 沒幾顆牙可以保護自己的她到底要如何在街頭生存下去. 對了, 決定叫她"安妮"(Annie), 沒名字真的很奇怪..