Annie started to stay with us since the night of Aug. 30. For how long? I'm not sure yet but her Dad promises that he wants to keep her after he's able to. Shouldn't be later than CNY?? Anyway, let's see how this lady doing after she's with us?!

8/30晚, 帶Annie回來. 與Kiki互動OK.
8/31 餵犬心寶. 拉肚子現象仍存在 - 忘了問平常在家的狀況?! 只能先觀察.

9/1 ~2 還是拉肚子, 把上次看診後剩下的藥先餵食 - 觀察. 水喝很 多, 需要控制量嗎? 睡了幾天沙發, 希望她不用在運輸籠內呆太久.
9/3~4 這兩天散步都先走"中圈", 怕Annie走不完. 還好狀況OK. 只是不懂Annie為何一出門就像在趕時間. 同時帶他&Kiki有些吃力.

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將出發前往北京奧運囉! They say it's something to do once in a life time, let's see how it goes?!

As to Kiki, she's going to 三芝的Sophia 渡假 as well.

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去年Annie還在這裡找家時拍的. 看Kiki當初"圓滾滾"的身材, 走到哪都被說胖. 後來連"毛很營養"的形容詞都出現了. So, I decided to help her to lose weight. 一方面也希望Kiki不要太重而增加關節的壓力. 畢竟, 她也有點年紀, 保養要趁早!! ^__^

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Somehow, Kiki這樣看來很"憨呆".. 可能是剛被我吵醒...

是滴 - 其實說穿了, 它還是篇"雜記". 熱到完全不想動, 甚麼都能"等等再說"的地步.
Longing for Autumn to come!! Not that much different for Kiki, though. She still catch every going out moment, doesn't care if it's melting hot out

6/27 - ㄚ飛弟弟來家裡借住一日, 沒啥互動的兩隻只有在 treat 出現時會自動互相靠近.

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With non-stop raining these days, the most often activity done by Kiki
is - sleeping (or 放空?)


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