What's Kiki been doing lately, except sleeping like crazy??

你看看... 有沒有給她睡的很"舒服"?

Isn't this too much out of line?? Boy, she sure knows how to enjoy
"sleeping activity"!!

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本文引用自crystalcat326 - 《十萬伙集》部落格串連 - 為旗山2百受虐犬募救命飼料

串連活動網址: http://emkt.pixnet.net/blog

In fact, Buck & Vivi麻也為了其中高比例的Husky在奔走, 請大家多幫忙囉!! 謝謝!

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Yes, I'm out again. But the trip is short enough that Mix Mom would be able to help - pick Kiki up sometimes in the morning and take her back home for dinner. Hubby will be home later to be with Kiki... 感謝Mix麻每次都幫這樣的大忙呢!!

看看寶貝KIKI在Mix麻家是否又任性了 - 引用自http://www.wretch.cc/blog/smeilynn/27153516

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自從上次來我家吃護唇膏後, KiKi已經好久沒來我家安親了, 每次去它家看到我拿它的胸背帶和牽繩, 它知道我要帶它出門, 它會迫不及待自己的往胸背帶鑽, 激動到沒法讓我好好為它套上去, 套好之後就拉著我往門外走, 它的力道它的衝勁都看不出它已經有10歲高齡了, KiKi啊! 你娘把你保養的真好喔!


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There goes another year, doesn't feel it's been so long and you've been trying really hard not to show so! 總覺得妳像廣告裡那個裝有金鼎電池的兔子, 只要能出門玩, 就什麼都好, 精力旺盛! 低調的請了幾個朋友來100號陪妳快樂的分享這一天及Koko麻費心作的蛋糕!
10 candles, hopefully, we can fulfill more. I can always order bigger one to put more candles!!

疼小孩的妹妹麻, 抱小孩的功力贏得第一名!!

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